Pool area Clean up
Now is when the mess we made in your backyard will be professionally cleaned-up, and you can start to see just how beautiful your new swimming pool is actually going to be! Be patient…it won’t be long now!
We will make sure that all of the tire tracks are filed in, that the wood and trash is hauled away, and that the ground in the pool’s construction area is raked out. We will also make sure everything that was disrupted in the construction process is put back in its proper place with the exception (As per contract agreement)
Soil will be brought in and spread around your pool and in the access area. If additional soil is requested, please, contact your superintendent for pricing of material, delivery and spreading of the additional soil. Ads, etc.).
The Clean-up process will only take one day and the next step of your pool’s construction will be the access close-up if applicable.
175 Overseas Hwy. | Key West, FL. 33040